
Article 1: TAAL Mission

Promoting scholarship and research in applied linguistics in Thailand and facilitating greater public recognition and understanding of the field

Article 2: Name, Aims and Official Language

Section 1: Name

The name of this association shall be “Thai Association for Applied Linguistics” (henceforth the Association or TAAL).
TAAL is a non-profit national organization of scholars interested in and active contributors to the research in the field of applied linguistics.

Section 2: Aims

The aims of TAAL shall be

  1. To develop a research community in applied linguistics in Thailand
  2. To disseminate research in applied linguistics in Thailand
  3. To promote national and international cooperation with related academics associations
  4. To promote applied linguistics research for public recognition and understanding

Section 3: Official Language

As TAAL is an international association based in Thailand, English and Thai shall be the official languages for all activities.

Article 3: TAAL Activities

To achieve the aims of TAAL, the following activities shall be organized:

  1. A forum for sharing research ideas, research and data about applied linguistics
  2. An annual applied linguistics day to showcase the research outputs of the year (by teachers and postgraduate students)
  3. A central database of researchers and academics in applied linguistics
  4. Systems of research support for teachers and researchers
  5. Support of special issues of existing Thai academic journals
  6. Promotion of applied linguistics research to the general public
  7. Support of national and international research conferences in applied linguistics (e.g. identifying speakers, PR the event)
  8. A network for exchange purposes
  9. Establishment of special interest groups

Article 4: Membership

Section 1: Membership Categories

TAAL shall provide for the following categories of membership

  1. Lecturers and researchers
  2. Graduate students
  3. Interested members of the public

Section 2: Membership Application

TAAL membership is free of charge and the process of application includes

  1. Members apply for membership online.
  2. The Communications Officer and Web Manager approves application.

Article 5: Executive Committee

Section 1: Officers

The Executive Officers shall consist of six principal positions.

  1. President
  2. Vice President
  3. Immediate Past President
  4. Secretary-Treasurer
  5. Communications Officer and Web Manager
  6. Member-at-large

Officers Nos. 1, 2, and 4 shall be elected and Nos. 5-6 shall be appointed.

Section 2: Duties and Power

The Executive Committee shall conduct the affairs of the Association, exercises the executive power of the Association to achieve the Association’s aims, and reports on its activities and initiatives at the Annual General Meeting. Each Executive Officer holds the following responsibilities:

The President

  • represents and provides leadership to the Association
  • liaises and networks with institutions or organizations at both national and international levels to promote the work and the cooperation of the Association as well as to exchange researchers
  • chairs the other committees of the Association
  • convenes and chairs the Annual General Meeting (with members) and the meetings of the Executive Committee of the Association
  • organizes and chairs the research showcase outputs once a year at different educational institutions across the country (Different universities may take turns in hosting the event.)
  • provides systems of research support for teachers and researchers
  • disseminates research to the general public
  • may establish and name committees to assist in these tasks

The Vice President

  • represents the Association and performs the President’s duties in his/her absence
  • is a member of the Conference Program Supporting Committee and plays an active role to support existing conferences
  • provides a central database of researchers and academic in applied linguistics in the country
  • establishes and chairs ad hoc committees to be guest editors of special issues of existing applied linguistics journals in the country (to do a special issue of research in applied linguistics)

The Immediate Past President

  • acts as advisor to the President and the Executive Committee
  • may fulfill any duties as requested by the Executive Committee

The Secretary-Treasurer

  • is responsible for the official documents and all the records of the Association
  • prepares the agenda and the minutes of the meetings
  • oversees the membership of the Association
  • oversees all financial operations of the Association
  • submits a financial report to the Annual General Meeting

The Communications Officer and Web Manager

  • keeps the pages of the website up to date (e.g. update the information, announcing the Association’s events, etc.)
  • oversees the development of new website pages or new website functions
  • leads the forum for sharing research and research ideas, and data about applied linguistics
  • promotes and recruits members of the Association
  • approves membership applications online

The Member-at-large

  • represents an area that is not represented by the other executive members of the Association
  • promotes TAAL activities and recruits members
  • establishes and maintains special interest groups

The quorum shall be more than 50% of the Executive Committee.

Section 3: Election

  1. Members shall elected officers to vacant Executive Committee positions every two years.  In odd numbered years, these positions shall stand election: President, Vice President, and Secretary-Treasurer.
  2. Elections shall take place on the TAAL website.
  3. The Nominating Committee shall post the candidates for the open positions on the TAAL website.
  4. All members are eligible to vote.
  5. Officers, inclusive of both elected and appointed, may be removed from office for failure to perform their duties by a majority vote of the Executive Committee.

Section 4: Terms of office

  1. The term of office for Executive Officers shall normally be two years. Members may be re-elected and shall serve up to four consecutive terms for the same office.
  2. Normally, after one term of office, the Vice President shall become President.
  3. The Immediate Past President shall serve throughout at least the first year of the first term of the new President.
  4. The term of office of elected and appointed positions shall begin from January 1st to December 31st.

Section 5: Vacancies

Any vacancies shall be filled with an officer appointed by the Executive Committee to fill the position as an “acting officer” only until the current term has been completed or until such time as an election can be held.

Article 6: Affiliates

Section 1: Definition

Autonomous academic associations that support the aims of TAAL may become Affiliates of TAAL.

Section 2: Activities

TAAL shall engage with its Affiliates in activities for the mutual benefit of their associations, such as the exchange of association news and information, academic information, and conference presenters.

Article 7: Committees and Special Interest Groups

Section 1: The Nominating Committee

  1. The Nominating Committee shall have the task of eliciting nominations for vacancies on the Executive Committee of the Association.
  2. The committee shall be appointed by the Executive Committee and shall consist of five members of the Association.
  3. The term of office of the committee is two years.
  4. The President is the chair of the committee.

Section 2: Ad Hoc Committees

  1. The Executive Committee may, on its own initiative or at the request of members at the Annual General Meeting, set up ad hoc committees to serve certain purposes.
  2. The Executive Committee determines the duties and the term of office for each ad hoc committee at the time such a committee is set up.
  3. Ad Hoc Committees are required to report directly to the Executive Committee.

Section 3: Conference Supporting Committee

  1. A conference can be the one jointly organized with other institutions such as Thailand TESOL.
  2. The responsibilities of the Conference Supporting Committee include providing speakers, research paper selection, graduate students research consultation, etc.

Section 4: Special Interest Groups

The Executive Committee shall establish Special Interest Groups as determined by the need and demand of the members.

Article 8: Meetings

Section 1: Annual General Meeting

  1. The Annual General Meeting is held at least once a year either during the research showcase or a joint conference.
  2. Members will be notified by the Secretary and the Communications Officer and Web at least one month in advance.

Section 2: Executive Committee Meeting

The meeting of the Executive Committee shall be held once a year and chaired by the President. Different institutions may take turns in being hosting the event.

Section 3: Special meetings

Special meetings shall be held at the request of members.

Article 9: Finances

  1. The fiscal year of TAAL extends from January 1st to December 31st of the same calendar year.
  2. The Secretary-Treasurer shall submit the budgetary statements for the financial year completed and the budget for the upcoming year to the executive committee at the Annual General Meeting.
  3. A financial statement shall be prepared annually by the Secretary-Treasurer and submitted to the Annual General Meeting for approval.

Article 10: Amendment of the constitution; Dissolution

Section 1: Amendment

  1. The Executive Committee or two-thirds of the Executive Officers, and TAAL members may propose an amendment to the Executive Committee for review at least six months before the Annual General Meeting.
  2. The Executive Committee must inform the members of the vote at least three months before the vote through the TAAL website.
  3. Any amendment shall be approved by more than two-thirds of the TAAL members at the Annual General Meeting.
  4. The quorum is more than 50% of the TAAL members presented at the Annual General Meeting.
  5. Amendments passed at the Annual General Meeting shall take effect immediately.

Section 2: Dissolution

On dissolution of TAAL, any surplus assets remaining after the satisfaction of the debts shall not be paid to the members but shall be distributed to one or more educational/charitable institutions as selected by the Executive Committee. No parts of the funds shall be distributed to the members of TAAL.