The Database of Researchers in AL is a collection of profiles of TAAL members who have expertise in applied linguistics research. The profiles present research interests and experience as well as researchers’ availability to participate in research activities and collaboration, such as examining theses, reviewing research articles, and consultations on research projects.
You can view all researchers’ profiles (ranked alphabetically by first names) or search the profiles by name, key publications, research interests, affiliation, availability for collaboration, and geographical areas in which they are available to offer support.
All TAAL members are eligible to add their profiles to the database. If you have not been a member yet, simply apply for TAAL online at the “Join TAAL” displayed under the Membership menu. You will be asked whether you would like to include your profile in the database. Tick the box to request, add details, and your profile will be added to the database automatically once the application is completed. By doing so, you can enormously contribute to applied linguistics research development in Thailand!
To search the database, click SEARCH RESEARCHERS below.
Dr. – Sukiam (khewikasukiam@gmail.com) – Kasetsart University Kampengsean Campus
- Availability
- Consultations on research projects
- Interests
- Business Communication and Discourse
- Location
- Central Thailand
- Position
- Lecturer/Researcher
- Publications
Mr. Akhil Augustine (akhilaugustine256@gmail.com) – Thongsook College
- Availability
- Evaluating curricula, Reviewing articles, Leading workshops, Consultations on research projects
- Interests
- Computer-Assisted Language Learning/ Technology-Enhanced-Language Learning, Education, English as a Second Language
- Location
- Bangkok
- Position
- Lecturer/Researcher
- Publications
Augustine. A. (2021). Teacher’s Perception from Onsite to Online Language Learning. The 16th National and International Sripatum University Conference: SPUCON2021
Augustine. A. (2020). The Effect of Flipped Classrooms on NES Teaching Speaking in Thongsook College. 3rd Humanities and Social Sciences Research Promotion Network National and International Conference on Administration: HSRPNNIC 2020.
Augustine.A. (2020). a study of English pronunciation for EFL teachers in Thongsook College. 7th National and International Conference on Administration: PSAKU 2020.
Prof.Dr. Akhtem Dzhelilov (ahtemenglish@gmail.com) – V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Simferopol
- Availability
- Evaluating curricula, Examining theses at Masters level, Examining theses at PhD level, Reviewing articles, Consultations on research projects
- Interests
- Business Communication and Discourse, Identity and Ideology in Language Learning and Teaching, Translation
- Location
- Bangkok, Central Thailand, North, Northeast, South
- Position
- Lecturer/Researcher
- Publications
Associate Professor Akkarapon Nuemaihom (akkarapon.nm@bru.ac.th) – Buriram Rajabhat University
- Availability
- Evaluating curricula, Examining theses at Masters level, Examining theses at PhD level, Reviewing articles, Leading workshops, Consultations on research projects
- Interests
- English as a Foreign Language, English for Specific Purposes, Research Methods in Applied Linguistics, Semantics
- Location
- Bangkok, Central Thailand, North, Northeast, South
- Position
- Lecturer/Researcher
- Publications
Nuemaihom, A.
Dr Ali Sorayyaei Azar (azarsorrayaie@gmail.com) – Management and Science University, Malaysia
- Availability
- Examining theses at Masters level, Examining theses at PhD level, Reviewing articles
- Interests
- English as a Second Language, English for Academic Purposes, Genre and Discourse Analysis
- Location
- South
- Position
- Lecturer/Researcher
- Publications
- Azar, A. S., & Hashim, A. (2019). The Impact of Attitude Markers on Enhancing Evaluation in the Review Article Genre. GEMA Online® Journal of Language Studies, 19(1).
- Azar, A. S., & Hashim, A. (2014). Towards an Analysis of Review Article in Applied Linguistics: Its Classes, Purposes and Characteristics. English Language Teaching, 7(10), 76-88.
- Azar, A. S., & Tan, N. H. I. (2020). The application of ICT techs (mobile-assisted language learning, gamification, and virtual reality) in teaching english for secondary school students in malaysia during Covid-19 pandemic. Univers J Educ Res, 8(11), 55-63.
Miss Ammarawadee Songnui (ammarawadeesongnui@gmail.com) – Prince of Songkhla University
- Availability
- Leading workshops, Consultations on research projects
- Interests
- English as a Foreign Language, Global Englishes/ World Englishes/ English as an International Language, Language and Culture, Online Communication, Pragmatics, Text Linguistics, Translation
- Location
- South
- Position
- Student
- Publications
Asst. Prof. Dr. Analiza Liezl Perez-Amurao (analizaliezl.amu@mahidol.ac.th) – Mahidol University International College
- Availability
- Evaluating curricula, Examining theses at Masters level, Leading workshops, Consultations on research projects
- Interests
- Critical Applied Linguistics, Discourse Analysis, Identity and Ideology in Language Learning and Teaching
- Location
- Bangkok
- Position
- Lecturer/Researcher
- Publications
Nomnian, S., Perez-Amurao, A. L., Rido, A., & Magno, F. A.
(July-December 2023). Thai Pre-Service Science Teachers’
Perceptions of Their ESL/EFL Lecturers’ Intercultural
Communicative Practices in Science Teacher Education. LEARN
Journal: Language Education and Acquisition Research Network.
ISSN: 2672-9431
Perez-Amurao, A. L. (2023). Network of Opportunity or Network of Inequality? In
Education and Power in Contemporary Southeast Asia. A. Tayeb,
R. Metro & W. Brehm. (Eds.). Routledge.
DOI 10.4324/9781003397144-18
Scopus ID 2-s2.0-85165034386
Perez-Amurao, A. L. & Sunanta, S. (2020). They Are ‘Asians Just Like Us’: Filipino Teachers, Colonial Aesthetics and English Language Education in Thailand. Sojourn: Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia, 35(1), pp. 108-37.
Professor Dr. Andrew Lian (andrew.lian@andrewlian.com) – Suranaree University of Technology, Thailand; Ho Chi Minh City Open University, Vietnam; Charles Darwin University, Australia; University of Canberra, Australia.
- Availability
- Evaluating curricula, Examining theses at Masters level, Examining theses at PhD level, Reviewing articles, Leading workshops, Consultations on research projects
- Interests
- Computer-Assisted Language Learning/ Technology-Enhanced-Language Learning, Education, Second Language Learning
- Location
- Bangkok, Central Thailand, North, Northeast, South
- Position
- Lecturer/Researcher
- Publications
Cai, X., Lian, A.-P., Puakpong, N., Shi, Y., Chen, H., Zen, Y., Ou, J., Zheng, W., & Mo, Y. (2021). Optimizing Auditory Input for Foreign Language Learners through a Verbotonal-Based Dichotic Listening Approach. Asian-Pacific Journal of Second and Foreign Language Education, 6(14).
Lian, A.-P., & Sangarun, P. (2017). Precision Language Education: A Glimpse Into a Possible Future (Feature article). GEMA Online® Journal of Language Studies, 17(4), 1-15 .
Lian, A.-P. (2004). Technology-Enhanced Language-Learning Environments : a rhizomatic approach. In J.-B. Son (Ed.), Computer-Assisted Language Learning: Concepts, Contexts and Practices (pp. 1–20). New York, NY: iUniverse.
Dr. Angvarrah Lieungnapar (angvarrah.li@ssru.ac.th) – Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University
- Availability
- Examining theses at Masters level, Reviewing articles, Consultations on research projects
- Interests
- Business Communication and Discourse, English for Specific Purposes, Genre and Discourse Analysis
- Location
- Bangkok
- Position
- Lecturer/Researcher
- Publications
• Lieungnapar, A., Watson Todd, R., & Trakulkasemsuk, W., (2017). Genre induction from a linguistic approach. Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 6(2), 319-329.
• Lieungnapar, A., Watson Todd, R., & Trakulkasemsuk, W. (2012). Linguistic and discourse variation in the genre of popular science. Selected paper in Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Language and Communication: Current Issues and Future Directions in Media, Communication and Language (177-185), National Institute of Development Administration, Thailand.
• Lieungnapar, A. & Watson Todd, R. (2011). Top-Down versus Bottom-Up Approaches toward Move Analysis in ESP. Selected paper in Proceedings of the International Conference: Doing Research in Applied Linguistics (1-10), King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, Thailand.
Dr Anuchaya Montakantiwong (anuchaya.mon@mahidol.ac.th) – Mahidol University
- Availability
- Evaluating curricula, Reviewing articles, Leading workshops, Consultations on research projects
- Interests
- Global Englishes/ World Englishes/ English as an International Language, Identity and Ideology in Language Learning and Teaching, Online Communication
- Location
- Bangkok
- Position
- Lecturer/Researcher
- Publications
Rose, H., Syrbe, M., Montakantiwong, A., & Funada, N. (2020). Global TESOL for the 21st Century: Teaching English in a Changing World. Multilingual Matters.
Rose, H., & Montakantiwong, A. (2018). A Tale of Two Teachers: A Duoethnography of the Realistic and Idealistic Successes and Failures of Teaching English as An International Language. RELC Journal, 49(1), 88-101.
Assistant Professor Arnon Chaisuriya (arnon.c@sut.ac.th) – Suranaree University of Technology
- Availability
- Evaluating curricula, Examining theses at Masters level, Examining theses at PhD level, Reviewing articles, Leading workshops, Consultations on research projects
- Interests
- Computer-Assisted Language Learning/ Technology-Enhanced-Language Learning, Critical Applied Linguistics, Second Language Writing and Identity
- Location
- Bangkok, Central Thailand, North, Northeast, South
- Position
- Lecturer/Researcher
- Publications
Examining Test Practicality among Different Stakeholders in Thailand
ASYS ChaisuriyaJournal of Asia TEFL 16 (1), 107-120 8 2019
Social constructionist approaches to teaching technical writing: A case study of Thai college students
A Chaisuriya The University of New Mexico 6 2003
English Reading Needs and Problems of Graduate Students of Business
A Chaisuriya วารสารมนุษยศาสตร์และสังคมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยบูรพา 14 (20) 2* 2006
The impact on working memory of the 4-D multiple resource model as embedded in interpretation training
A Attanak, S Juntapremjit, A Chaisuriya
Journal of Community Development Research (Humanities and Social Sciences … 1 2019
Circumstances of and Challenges in Providing Inclusive English Education for Thai Novices and Monks
A Chaisuriya LEARN Journal: Language Education and Acquisition Research Network 16 (2 … 2023
Readiness for Computer-Based English Tests Among College Students in Regional Thailand
A Chaisuriya Theories and Practices in Language Studies 13 (2), 370 2023
Comparison of the Effects of Implicit and Explicit Phonics Instruction on English Achievement in Reading and Writing (Spelling) of Primary Students
N Intarakulchai, P Brudhiprabha, A Chaisuriya, 67 2017
A Comparison of Satisfaction of Burapha University’s Students towards the Teaching and Learning of the English II Course
AC ไชยสุริยา
อานนท์ ไชยสุริยา
การประชุมเวทีวิจัยมนุษย์กับสังคม 52, 146-162 2009
English Writing for Multimedia: an analysis of on-screen texts
A Chaisuriya International Conference on Digital Communication: The Challenge of the New … 2007
ความคิดเห็นของนิสิตสาขาเทคโนโลยีสารสนเทศและสาขาการจดัการขนส่งและ โลจิสติกส์ต่อการจัดการเรียนการสอนภาษาอังกฤษสำหรับบัณฑิตศึกษา
อานนท์ ไชยสุริยา การประชุมวชิาการวิจัยสถาบันระดับชาติ. ม.ป.ท. 2006
Asst Prof. Dr. Arnon Chaisuriya (arnoncu@hotmail.com) – Suranaree University of Technology
- Availability
- Evaluating curricula, Examining theses at Masters level, Examining theses at PhD level, Reviewing articles, Leading workshops, Consultations on research projects
- Interests
- Second Language Writing and Identity
- Location
- Northeast
- Position
- Lecturer/Researcher
- Publications
Plubpla, P, Chaisuriya, A, & Chaturanon, W. (2017) The development of an English language instructional model based on experiential learning and cooperative learning for promoting communicative competence of sixth graduate students. Journal of Graduate School Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University. V. 14. No. 64 PP. 229-237
• Chaisuriya A., & Shin, S. (2019). Examining English Test Practicality
among Different Stakeholders in Thailand. Journal of Asia TEFL 04/2009:
16(1) 107-120.
Choomklang, C, Panhoon, S, Chaisuriya, A, & Anusasnanan, S. (2019) A research synthesis of research on achievement in English basic education level: meta-analytic structural equation modeling. e-Journal of Education Studies, Burapha University Vol. 1 No. 2 August. PP. 1-15.
Dr. Atikhom Thienthong (atikhom.k@ubu.ac.th) – Ubon Ratchathani University
- Availability
- Reviewing articles
- Interests
- Computer-Assisted Language Learning/ Technology-Enhanced-Language Learning, Corpus Linguistics, Discourse Analysis
- Location
- Northeast
- Position
- Lecturer/Researcher
- Publications
Thienthong, A. (2019). Bilingual dictionary synonyms for paraphrasing: A solution or a problem? International Journal of Lexicography, advance access, 1-23.
Thienthong, A. (2018). Inferential reasoning as a means of avoiding plagiarism in paraphrasing. PASAA Journal, 56, 9-32.
Thienthong, A. & Suppasetseree, S. (2016). A wordpress-based instructional model for developing semantically-driven academic writing lessons for Thai EFL university students. LEARN Journal, 9(2), 22-43.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Atipat Boonmoh (atipat.boo@kmutt.ac.th) – King Mongkut\’s University of Technology Thonburi
- Availability
- Evaluating curricula, Examining theses at Masters level, Examining theses at PhD level, Reviewing articles
- Interests
- Computer-Assisted Language Learning/ Technology-Enhanced-Language Learning, English as a Foreign Language, Teacher Education
- Location
- Central Thailand, North, Northeast, South
- Position
- Lecturer/Researcher
- Publications
Boonmoh, A., & Tuaynak, A. (2023). An exploration of explicit teaching of reading with Thai students of low EFL proficiency: Factors affecting reading comprehension. Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences, 44(4), October-December, 1061-1070. (Scopus/Q3, ACI, TCI1)
Boonmoh, A., & Kulavichian, I. (2023). Exploring Thai EFL pre-service teachers’ technology integration based on SAMR model. Contemporary Educational Technology, 15(4), ep457. https://doi.org/10.30935/cedtech/13567 (Scopus/Q1)
Boonmoh, A., & Kulavichian, I. (2023). A study of Thai EFL learners’ problems with using online tools and dictionaries in English-to-Thai translation. Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences, 44(2), April-June, 497-508. (Scopus/Q3)
Boonmoh, A., & Kamsa-ard, T. (2023). Preservice EFL teachers’ anxiety regarding the online teaching practicum during the COVID-19 pandemic: Thailand case study. TESL-EJ, 27(1), May 1-25. https://doi.org/10.55593/ej.26105a5. Retrieved from https://tesl-ej.org/pdf/ej105/a5.pdf (Scopus/Q1)
Boonmoh, A., Jumpakate, T., Saengmanee, S., & Rungkaew, T. (2022). Integration of technology during the COVID-19 pandemic: Experience, challenges and needs of Thai EFL teachers. rEFLections, 29(2), May-August, 251–277. (Scopus/Q2, ERIC)
Boonmoh, A., Jumpakate, T., & Karpklon, S. (2022). A close look at the use of technology by Thai teachers in secondary EFL classrooms. Computer Assisted Language Learning Electronic Journal (CALL-EJ), 23(1), 78-107. (Scopus/Q1)
Boonmoh, A. (2021). Use of dictionaries and online tools for reading by Thai EFL learners in a naturalistic setting. Lexikos, 31, 239-258. https://lexikos.journals.ac.za/pub/article/view/1645 (WoS, Scopus/Q2)
Boonmoh, A., Jumpakate, T., & Karpklon, S. (2021). Teachers’ perceptions and experience in using technology for the classroom. CALL-EJ Online, 22(1), February, 1-24. (Scopus/Q2)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Atipat Boonmoh (atipat_b@yahoo.com) – King Mongkut\’s University of Technology Thonburi
- Availability
- Evaluating curricula, Examining theses at Masters level, Examining theses at PhD level, Reviewing articles, Leading workshops, Consultations on research projects
- Interests
- Computer-Assisted Language Learning/ Technology-Enhanced-Language Learning, Research Methods in Applied Linguistics, Teacher Education
- Location
- Bangkok, Central Thailand, North, Northeast, South
- Position
- Lecturer/Researcher
- Publications
Boonmoh, A., & Tuaynak, A. (2023). An exploration of explicit teaching of reading with Thai students of low EFL proficiency: Factors affecting reading comprehension. Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences, 44(4), October-December, 1061-1070. https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/kjss/article/view/268980?fbclid=IwAR3BAGjpjJNCymMPbSgsJuknmo7nzvY7uDmjkWyQD98M1zPKAdffQMXBK-Y
Boonmoh, A., & Kulavichian, I. (2023). Exploring Thai EFL pre-service teachers’ technology integration based on SAMR model. Contemporary Educational Technology, 15(4), ep457. https://doi.org/10.30935/cedtech/13567 (Scopus/Q1)
Boonmoh, A., & Kulavichian, I. (2023). A study of Thai EFL learners’ problems with using online tools and dictionaries in English-to-Thai translation. Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences, 44(2), April-June, 497-508. https://kasetsartjournal.ku.ac.th/abstractShow.aspx?param=YXJ0aWNsZUlEPTcxODl8bWVkaWFJRD03NjQ4&from=5 (Scopus/Q3)
Boonmoh, A., & Kamsa-ard, T. (2023). Preservice EFL teachers’ anxiety regarding the online teaching practicum during the COVID-19 pandemic: Thailand case study. TESL-EJ, 27(1), May 1-25. https://doi.org/10.55593/ej.26105a5. Retrieved from https://tesl-ej.org/pdf/ej105/a5.pdf (Scopus/Q1)
Boonmoh, A., Jumpakate, T., Saengmanee, S., & Rungkaew, T. (2022). Integration of technology during the COVID-19 pandemic: Experience, challenges and needs of Thai EFL teachers. rEFLections, 29(2), May-August, 251–277. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/reflections/article/view/259346 (Scopus/Q2, ERIC)
Boonmoh, A., Jumpakate, T., & Karpklon, S. (2022). A close look at the use of technology by Thai teachers in secondary EFL classrooms. Computer Assisted Language Learning Electronic Journal (CALL-EJ), 23(1), 78-107. R (Scopus/Q1)
Boonmoh, A. (2021). Use of dictionaries and online tools for reading by Thai EFL learners in a naturalistic setting. Lexikos, 31, 239-258. doi: 10.5788/31-1-1645 https://lexikos.journals.ac.za/pub/article/view/1645 (WoS, Scopus/Q2)
Boonmoh, A., Jumpakate, T., & Karpklon, S. (2021). Teachers’ perceptions and experience in using technology for the classroom. CALL-EJ Online, 22(1), February, 1-24. (Scopus/Q2)
Mr. Atthasit Ketkumbonk (atthasit00016@gmail.com) – MSU.
- Availability
- Evaluating curricula
- Interests
- Education, English as a Foreign Language, English as a Second Language
- Location
- Northeast
- Position
- Student
- Publications
Dr Banchakarn Sameephet (banchasa@kku.ac.th) – Khon Kaen University
- Availability
- Interests
- English Medium Instruction, Language Policy, Teacher Education
- Location
- Northeast
- Position
- Lecturer/Researcher
- Publications
Sameephet, B. (2020). On the fluidity of languages: A way out of the dilemma in English medium instruction classrooms in Thailand (Thesis, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)). The University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand. Retrieved from https://hdl.handle.net/10289/13498
Miss Bantawan Sugan (bantawan.sugan@gmail.com) – King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi
- Availability
- Consultations on research projects
- Interests
- Computer-Assisted Language Learning/ Technology-Enhanced-Language Learning
- Location
- Bangkok, Central Thailand, Northeast
- Position
- Student
- Publications
Asst. Prof. Dr. Baramee Kheovichai (kheovichai_b@su.ac.th) – Faculty of Arts, Silpakorn University
- Availability
- Evaluating curricula, Examining theses at Masters level, Examining theses at PhD level, Reviewing articles
- Interests
- Corpus Linguistics, Discourse Analysis
- Location
- Bangkok, Central Thailand
- Position
- Lecturer/Researcher
- Publications
Kheovichai,B. 2017. A Corpus-Based Analysis of BE + Being + Adjective in English from the Appraisal Framework Perspective. Silpakorn University Journal of Social Sciences, Humanities, and Arts. 17 (2 May-August): 97 – 132.
Kheovichai, B. (2015). Metaphorical scenarios in business science discourse. Iberica. 29: 155-178.
Kheovichai, B. (2015). Metaphor in business English. Silpakorn University Journal of Social Sciences, Humanities, and Arts. 15(1): 93-130.
Kheovichai, B. (2014). Politeness strategies in criticisms and responses in TESOL Quarterly Forum. rEFLection. 15, (2), 46-63.
Kheovichai, B. (2014). Marketisation of university discourse: A corpus comparison of lexical bundles in job advertisements produced by UK universities and businesses. Thoughts. 80-100.
Kheovichai, B. (2014). Evaluative language in online advertising discourse. วารสารวิชาการ Veridian E-Journal. 7, 1-13.
Kheovichai, B. (2014). Marketized university discourse: A synchronic and diachronic comparison of the discursive constructions of employer organizations in academic and business job advertisements. Discourse & Communication, 8 (4), 371-390.
Mrs. Benjamart Thanasoontornrerk (benjamart@mfu.ac.th) – Mae Fah Luang University
- Availability
- Interests
- Computer-Assisted Language Learning/ Technology-Enhanced-Language Learning
- Location
- North
- Position
- Lecturer/Researcher
- Publications
Ms Bupha Sirinarang (bupha2604sirinarang@gmail.com) – Chulalongkorn University
- Availability
- Evaluating curricula, Examining theses at Masters level, Reviewing articles, Leading workshops, Consultations on research projects
- Interests
- Child Language, Discourse Analysis, Discourse in English Language Teaching (ELT), Education, Genre and Discourse Analysis, Global Englishes/ World Englishes/ English as an International Language, Identity and Ideology in Language Learning and Teaching, Language and Politics, Language and Culture, Language in Media, Online Communication, Pragmatics, Psycholinguistics, Research Methods in Applied Linguistics, Second Language Writing and Identity, Semantics, Sociolinguistics, Stylistics, Systemic Functional Linguistics, Teacher Education
- Location
- Bangkok
- Position
- Student
- Publications
Sirinarang, B., Wijitsopon, R. (2021). A Cognitive Stylistic Approach to Mind Style in the Memoir Man’s Search for Meaning. Journal of Studies in the English Language.
Asst. Prof. Bussba Tonthong (esp_session@yahoo.com) – Kasetsart University (retired)
- Availability
- Examining theses at Masters level, Examining theses at PhD level, Reviewing articles
- Interests
- Discourse Analysis, Education, English for Academic Purposes
- Location
- Bangkok, Central Thailand, North, Northeast
- Position
- Lecturer/Researcher
- Publications
Sompon Cheunkha and Bussba Tonthong (2020), Analysis of Research Article Abstracts in Agricultural Science วารสารมนุษยศาสตร์วิชาการ 27 (กรกฎาคม-ธันวาคม 2563)
Mr. Chakrit Yippikun (chakrit.yip@gmail.com) – Christian University of Thailand
- Availability
- Examining theses at PhD level
- Interests
- English as a Foreign Language, English as a Lingua Franca, English for Specific Purposes
- Location
- Bangkok
- Position
- Lecturer/Researcher
- Publications
Yippikun, C. (2020). Development of English Pronunciation in Two and Three Initial Consonant Cluster of First-Year Students of a Private University in Nakhon Pathom. Journal of Community Development and Life Quality, 8(1), 263-274.
Inpeng, S., & Yippikun, C. (2020). Tips on Distance Teaching. THAITESOL Journal, 2(4), 8-9.
Yippikun, C. & Inpeng, S. (2021) Using Microsoft Teams for Flipped Classroom. THAITESOL Journal, 1(3), 8-9.
Puntularb, P., Yippikun, C., & Pinchunsri, P. (2021). The Characteristics and Self-regulation of Undergraduate Students in Online English Learning: A Case Study of a Private University in Thailand. International Journal of Higher Education, 10(7), 34-44.
Mr. Chamnan Para (chamnan.p@msu.ac.th) – Mahasarakham University
- Availability
- Consultations on research projects
- Interests
- Business Communication and Discourse, Corpus Linguistics, Education, English for Specific Purposes, Global Englishes/ World Englishes/ English as an International Language, Translation, Voice / Speech Recognition
- Location
- Northeast
- Position
- Lecturer/Researcher
- Publications
Para.C(2004) corpus study of civil engineering
Miss Chanaichon Damsri (chanaichon_dam@nstru.ac.th) – Nakhon Si Thammarat Rajabhat University
- Availability
- Reviewing articles
- Interests
- English for Specific Purposes, English Medium Instruction, Systemic Functional Linguistics
- Location
- South
- Position
- Lecturer/Researcher
- Publications
Huang, J., Berg, M., Siegrist, M., and Damsri, C. (2017) Impact of a functional linguistic approach to teacher development on content area student writing. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 27: 331– 362. doi: 10.1111/ijal.12133.