The Database of Researchers in AL is a collection of profiles of TAAL members who have expertise in applied linguistics research. The profiles present research interests and experience as well as researchers’ availability to participate in research activities and collaboration, such as examining theses, reviewing research articles, and consultations on research projects.
You can view all researchers’ profiles (ranked alphabetically by first names) or search the profiles by name, key publications, research interests, affiliation, availability for collaboration, and geographical areas in which they are available to offer support.
All TAAL members are eligible to add their profiles to the database. If you have not been a member yet, simply apply for TAAL online at the “Join TAAL” displayed under the Membership menu. You will be asked whether you would like to include your profile in the database. Tick the box to request, add details, and your profile will be added to the database automatically once the application is completed. By doing so, you can enormously contribute to applied linguistics research development in Thailand!
To search the database, click SEARCH RESEARCHERS below.
Dr. Panjanit Chaipuapae (panjanit.c@ku.th) – Kasetsart University
- Availability
- Reviewing articles
- Interests
- English as a Foreign Language, English as a Lingua Franca, Second Language Assessment
- Location
- Bangkok
- Position
- Lecturer/Researcher
- Publications
Chaipuapae, P. (2019). Insights into the effects of accents on English listening comprehension. Asian EFL Journal, 23, 30-52.
Chaipuapae, P. (2018). Investigating linguistic features of scripted and semi-scripted spoken texts. Corpus Linguistic Research, 4, 49-68.
Kang, T., Gutierrez Arvizu, M. N., Chaipuapae, P., & Lesnov, R. (2019). Reviews of academic English listening tests for non-native speakers. International Journal of Listening, 33, 1-38.
Mr Panupong Seensangworn (myherakles@hotmail.com) – Burapha University
- Availability
- Evaluating curricula, Consultations on research projects
- Interests
- Second Language Writing and Identity
- Location
- Bangkok
- Position
- Lecturer/Researcher
- Publications
An Investigation of English Writing Strategies of English Majors and Non-English Majors in an EFL Classroom
Mr. Panuwat Waiyaworn (Panuwat_waiyaworn@hotmail.co.th) – King Mongkut\\\’s University of Technology Thonburi
- Availability
- Leading workshops
- Interests
- Autonomy, Child Language, Discourse in English Language Teaching (ELT), Education, English as a Foreign Language, Phonology, Teacher Education
- Location
- Bangkok, Northeast
- Position
- Student
- Publications
Assistant Professor Dr. Pariwat Imsa-ard (pimsaard@gmail.com) – Thammasat University
- Availability
- Evaluating curricula, Examining theses at Masters level, Examining theses at PhD level, Reviewing articles, Leading workshops, Consultations on research projects
- Interests
- English as a Foreign Language, Second Language Assessment, Teacher Education
- Location
- Bangkok, Central Thailand, North, Northeast, South
- Position
- Lecturer/Researcher
- Publications
- Imsa-ard, P., & Tangkiengsirisin, S. (2023). Digitally-mediated Language Assessment Practice (D-LAP): Qualitative case studies of four Thai EFL university lecturers. REFLections, 30(2), 403–427. [SCOPUS Q2]
- Imsa-ard, P. & Tangkiengsirisin, S. (2023). Language assessment literacy: A preliminary survey of Thai EFL university lecturers’ language assessment knowledge, beliefs, and practices [Special issue]. PASAA, 66, 33–76. [SCOPUS Q1]
- Imsa-ard, P. (2023). Moving towards Intercultural Communicative Competence (ICC): Thai EFL teachers’ self-reported levels of ICC and Intercultural Sensitivity (IS). Issues in Educational Research, 33(1), 71-90. [SCOPUS Q2]
- Imsa-ard, P. & Phoocharoensil, S. (2022). “A Whole New World… Wait, Is It a Whole, Entire, or Total World?”: The Extraction of Collocations for the Three English Synonym Discrimination. 3L: Language, Linguistics, Literature®️ The Southeast Asian Journal of English Language Studies, 28(2), 66-81. DOI: 10.17576/3L-2022-2802-05
- Imsa-ard, P. & Soontornwipast, K. (2022). Enhancing lesson plan writing skills through screencast-Assisted Written Feedback (SAWF): A case study of Thai pre-service EFL teachers. The International Journal of Pedagogy and Curriculum, 29(1), 67-82.
- Imsa-ard, P. (2022). Reading better?: Enhancing Thai EFL secondary school students’ reading comprehension abilities with the use of graphic organizers. English Language Teaching, 15(4), 1-13.
- Imsa-ard, P. & Iamsirirak, E. (2022). ‘I wish to know about my teaching’: Thai pre-service EFL teachers’ expectations to learn from their supervisors. In E. Sungtong & W. Maitreephun (Eds.), Proceedings of the International and National Teacher Education Conference (INTEC 2022) (pp. 98-108). The consortium of Education Deans of Thailand.
- Imsa-ard, P. (2021). Choices of teaching practices: Does the English national examination cause Thai EFL teachers to teach to the test?. TESOL International Journal, 16(5), 56-86.
- Imsa-ard, P. (2021). A Corpus-based Study on the Meanings, Distribution, Collocations, and Formality of ‘Concentrate’, ‘Emphasize’, and ‘Focus’. NIDA Journal of Language and Communication, 26(40), 22-40.
- Imsa-ard, P., Wichamuk, P., & Chuanchom, C. (2021). Muffled voices from Thai pre-service teachers: Challenges and difficulties during teaching practicum. Shanlax International Journal of Education, 9(3), 246-260.
- Imsa-ard, P. (2020). Motivation and attitudes towards English language learning in Thailand: A large-scale survey of secondary school students. REFLections, 27(2), 140-161.
- Imsa-ard, P. (2020). Thai university students’ perceptions towards the abrupt transition to ‘forced’ online learning in the COVID-19 situation. Journal of Education Khon Kaen University, 43(3), 30-44.
- Imsa-ard, P. (2020). Voices from Thai EFL teachers: Perceptions and beliefs towards the English test in the national examinations in Thailand. LEARN Journal, 13(2), 91-110
Mr Pasakara Chueasuai (pasakara@gmail.com) – University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce
- Availability
- Examining theses at Masters level, Examining theses at PhD level, Reviewing articles
- Interests
- Intercultural Communication, Systemic Functional Linguistics, Translation
- Location
- Bangkok
- Position
- Lecturer/Researcher
- Publications
Chueasuai, P. (2022). Analysing the Thai to English Translations of Tourism Discursive Elements in the Tourism Authority of Thailand’s English Webpages. rEFLections, 29(2), 402-420. https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/reflections/article/view/260550/175436
Chueasuai, P. (2022). ‘Transitivity System and a Translation of Lexical Metaphors: The Case of the Emirates Airline. Manusya, 28(1), 1-26. (In press)
Chueasuai, P. (2021). ‘Welcome to the Business of Living’, a Translation of Lexical Metaphor on a Company Website: A Case of Emirates Airline. rEFLections, 28(3), 381-394. https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/reflections/article/view/255325
– Pasara Namsaeng (pasara.na@cpru.ac.th) – Chaiyaphum Rajabhat University
- Availability
- Reviewing articles, Consultations on research projects
- Interests
- Critical Applied Linguistics, English as a Foreign Language, Teacher Education
- Location
- Northeast
- Position
- Lecturer/Researcher
- Publications
Namsaeng, P. & Sukying, A. (2021). The Effect of Group Reading Strategy on Critical Thinking Skills in Thai EFL University Learners. Journal of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics. 3(2), 30-40.
Namsaeng, P. & Sukying, A. (2020). An Investigation of Critical Thinking Skills in Thai EFL University Learners. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. 37(3), 183-212.
Namsaeng, P. & Ngonkum, S. (2020). Determining the Readiness of University Supportive Staff to Adopt the Future Work Skill 2020 at the International Level. Proceedings of the 11th Hatyai National and International Conference (pp. 2020-2031). Hatyai, Thailand: Hatyai University.
Namsaeng, P. & Ngonkum, S. (2019). The Problem and Solution of Communication Skills between Foreign and Thai Officers in the University. Proceedings of the 10th NEU-KKU International Conference: Socio-Economic and Environmental Issues in Development (pp. 858-870). Phu Tho, Vietnam: LABOURS – SOCIAL PUBLISHING HOUSE.
Miss Pattra Panatta (phingpattra@hotmail.com) – KMITL
- Availability
- Interests
- Autonomy, Corpus Linguistics, Discourse Analysis, Discourse in English Language Teaching (ELT), Education, English as a Foreign Language, English for Specific Purposes, Genre and Discourse Analysis, Identity and Ideology in Language Learning and Teaching, Intercultural Communication, Pragmatics, Psycholinguistics, Second Language Acquisition, Second Language Assessment, Second Language Learning, Sociolinguistics, World Englishes
- Location
- Bangkok
- Position
- Student
- Publications
Assistant Professor Dr. Paweena Chatsungnoen (pawphan@yahoo.com) – Maejo University-Phrae Campus
- Availability
- Evaluating curricula, Examining theses at Masters level, Examining theses at PhD level, Reviewing articles, Leading workshops, Consultations on research projects
- Interests
- English as a Foreign Language, English for Specific Purposes, Genre and Discourse Analysis
- Location
- North
- Position
- Lecturer/Researcher
- Publications
Needs analysis
English for Specific Purposes
Curriculum development
Assistant Professor Paweena Chatsungnoen (pawchat@gmail.com) – Maejo University
- Availability
- Evaluating curricula, Examining theses at Masters level, Examining theses at PhD level, Reviewing articles, Leading workshops, Consultations on research projects
- Interests
- English as a Foreign Language, English for Specific Purposes, Genre and Discourse Analysis
- Location
- North
- Position
- Lecturer/Researcher
- Publications
- Chatsungnoen, P. (2015). Needs analysis for an English for Specific Purposes (ESP) course for Thai undergraduates in a Food Science and Technology programme: a thesis presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Education, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand
- ปวีณา ฉัตรสูงเนิน และอลิษา อินจันท์. (2562) . ความพร้อมในการเรียนรู้ด้วยตนเองของนักศึกษามหาวิทยาลัยแม่โจ้-แพร่ เฉลิมพระเกียรติ. วารสารการประชุมวิชาการระดับชาติททางศิลปศาสตร์ประยุกต์ ครั้งที่ 8 ฉบับที่ 1 หน้า 402-409
- Chatsungnoen, P. (2014). Factors Affecting Language Skills Needs for Students in Food Science and Technology Programme. Paper presented at Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice: Learning Through and for Professional Practice, 10-12 September 2014, Geneva, Switzerland. Abstract retrieved from http://www.unige.ch/alapp2014/Prog/ALAPP-2014_Book-of-Abstracts.pdf
Asst. Prof. Dr. Phaisit Boriboon (phaisit@snru.ac.th) – Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University
- Availability
- Evaluating curricula, Examining theses at Masters level, Examining theses at PhD level, Reviewing articles
- Interests
- Location
- Northeast
- Position
- Lecturer/Researcher
- Publications
McKenzie, R., Kitikanan, P., Boriboon, P. (2016). The competence and warmth of Thai students’ attitudes towards varieties of English: The effect of gender and perceptions of L1 diversity. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 37(6), 536-550.
Boriboon, P. (2012). Concepts of culture and their realizations in English language teaching in Thailand: Current states, problems, and reconceptualizations for glocalized pedagogy of English. Journal of Humanities Naresuan University, 9(2), 1-22. (In Thai)
Boriboon, P. (2011). Language, ideology and domination: Problems of English language teaching in Thailand and solutions. Songklanakarin Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 17(6), 23-59. (In Thai)
Boriboon, P. (2008). Learners’ discursive voices in role play, dialogic means of meaning construction and their implications for innovative pedagogies. Innovations in Language Learning and Teaching, 2, 117-135.
Mr. Phanupong Thumnong (phanuth@kku.ac.th) – Khon Kaen University
- Availability
- Reviewing articles, Consultations on research projects
- Interests
- Business Communication and Discourse, Corpus Linguistics, Genre and Discourse Analysis
- Location
- Northeast
- Position
- Lecturer/Researcher
- Publications
Tongpoon-Patanasorn, A., & Thumnong, P. (2020). Move and Politeness Strategies in Job Application Letters in ASEAN Contexts. LEARN Journal: Language Education and Acquisition Research Network, 13(2), 105-125. https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/LEARN/article/view/243697
Thumnong, P. (2020). English Language Students’ Perceptions of Interchanged Application of Face-to-Face and Synchronous Virtual Classrooms. Proceedings of The IAFOR Southeast Asian Conference on Education 2020, 7-9 February 2020, Singapore, 99-112. https://papers.iafor.org/submission55061/
Thumnong, P. and Tongpoon-Patanasorn, A. (2017). A Genre Analysis of Job Application Letters Written by ASEAN Applicants. Proceedings of The Asian Conference on Education & International Development 2017, 26-29 March 2017, Kobe, Japan, pp. 345-355. https://papers.iafor.org/submission34975/
Dr. Phirunkhana Phichiensathien (Phirunkhana.phi@mfu.ac.th) – School of Liberal Arts, Mae Fah Luang University
- Availability
- Reviewing articles
- Interests
- Location
- North
- Position
- Lecturer/Researcher
- Publications
Dr. Phongsakorn Methitham (pongsakornm@nu.ac.th) – Naresuan University
- Availability
- Evaluating curricula, Examining theses at Masters level, Examining theses at PhD level, Reviewing articles, Leading workshops
- Interests
- Location
- North
- Position
- Lecturer/Researcher
- Publications
• Methitham, P. (2012). White Prestige Ideology and its Effects on ELT employment in Thailand. The International Journal of the Humanities, 9 (4), 145-156.
• Methitham, P. (2011). English as a modern-day Trojan Horse: The political discourse of English language teaching. Journal of Humanities, Naresuan University. 8(1). 13-30.
• Methitham, P. (2010). The ideology of native and nonnative dichotomy in Thailand. Selected Paper in Proceedings of the Asia TEFL/Thai TESOL International Conference on “Creativity and Collaboration in English Language Teaching.” (35-52).
Ms. Pimpanitt Chottsawhas (c.pimpanitt@hotmail.com) – Language Institute Thammasat University
- Availability
- Leading workshops
- Interests
- Location
- Bangkok, Central Thailand
- Position
- Lecturer/Researcher
- Publications
• Public speaking
• Oral communication
• Applied linguistics
Ms. Pingampai Kongcharoen (pongampai.k@ku.th) – Kasetsart University
- Availability
- Interests
- Corpus Linguistics, Discourse Analysis, Discourse in English Language Teaching (ELT), English for Specific Purposes
- Location
- Bangkok
- Position
- Lecturer/Researcher
- Publications
Corpus Linguistics
Data driven-based study
Discourse Analysis
Mr. Pitakpong Prasopchokchai (boatdyboi@gmail.com) – King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi
- Availability
- Leading workshops
- Interests
- Discourse in English Language Teaching (ELT), English as a Foreign Language, English for Specific Purposes
- Location
- Bangkok, Central Thailand, North
- Position
- Student
- Publications
Prasopchokchai, P. (2020) the effects of speaking activities towards students’ self efficacy
Mr. Pitaya Thipwajana (bunboy094@gmail.com) – Institute of Community Colleges
- Availability
- Consultations on research projects
- Interests
- English as a Foreign Language
- Location
- Bangkok, Central Thailand, Northeast
- Position
- General public
- Publications
Mr. Piyaboot Sumonsriworakun (kunkusiaclub@hotmail.com) – Chulalongkorn University Language Institute
- Availability
- Interests
- Location
- Bangkok, Central Thailand
- Position
- Lecturer/Researcher
- Publications
Assistant Professor Dr. Piyapong Laosrirattanachai (piyapong.l@ku.th) – Kasetsart University
- Availability
- Examining theses at Masters level, Examining theses at PhD level, Reviewing articles
- Interests
- Corpus Linguistics, English for Specific Purposes, Genre and Discourse Analysis
- Location
- Bangkok, Central Thailand
- Position
- Lecturer/Researcher
- Publications
Arunvong Na Ayutthaya, J., Kunthonjinda, K., Somwang, K., & Laosrirattanachai, P. (2022). Making Beverage Service Word List for English for Specific Purposes Classroom. REFLections, 29(2), 325–343.
Rungrueang, T., Boonprasert, P., Poempongsajaroen, S., & Laosrirattanachai, P. (2022) Corpus-Based Approach to Generate a Word List for Food Service. THAITESOL Journal, 35(1), 57-76.
Laosrirattanachai, P., & Laosrirattanachai, P. (2021). Applying Lexical Profiling to Construct Technical Word Lists for Thai Tourist Guides. PASAA: A Journal of Language Teaching and Learning, 62(1), 61-91.
Laosrirattanachai, P., & Ruangjaroon, S. (2021). Implementation of a data-driven hospitality lexis learning programme. 3L: The Southeast Asian Journal of English Language Studies, 27(1), 1-21.
Laosrirattanachai, P., & Ruangjaroon, S. (2021). Corpus-based Creation of Tourism, Hotel, and Airline Business Word Lists. LEARN Journal: Language Education and Acquisition Research Network, 14(1), 50-86.
Asst.Pro. Dr. Pornpun Oranpattanachai (opornpun@hotmail.com) – King Monkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok
- Availability
- Reviewing articles
- Interests
- English as a Foreign Language
- Location
- Bangkok
- Position
- Lecturer/Researcher
- Publications
Reading Strategies
Video Clip Projects
Miss Pornsiri Nilpirom (62810090@go.buu.ac.th) – Burapha University
- Availability
- Examining theses at Masters level, Reviewing articles
- Interests
- Global Englishes/ World Englishes/ English as an International Language, Identity and Ideology in Language Learning and Teaching, Sociolinguistics
- Location
- Bangkok, Central Thailand
- Position
- Student
- Publications
Prabjandee, D., & Nilpirom, P. (2022). Pedagogy In English-Medium Instruction (EMI): Some Recommendations for EMI Teachers. rEFLections, 29(2), 421-434.
Prabjandee, D., & Nilpirom, P. (2022). Arts-Based Qualitative Research in the Asian Context. In S. Wa-Mbaleka & A. Rosario (Eds.), (p.251-263). The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research in The Asian Context. London: SAGE Publications.
Nilpirom, P., Prabjandee, D., & Surasin, J. (2019). Learning to Become English Teachers: Navigating Emotions in Identity Development and Identity Improvisation During a Teaching Practicum. Journal of Education, 30(1), 209-226.
Dr. Pramarn Subphadoongchone (iammeen@yahoo.com) – King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang
- Availability
- Evaluating curricula, Examining theses at Masters level, Examining theses at PhD level, Reviewing articles, Consultations on research projects
- Interests
- English as a Foreign Language, English for Specific Purposes, Identity and Ideology in Language Learning and Teaching
- Location
- Bangkok, Central Thailand, North, Northeast, South
- Position
- Lecturer/Researcher
- Publications
Thong-Iam, N., & Subphadoongchone, P. (in press, 2019). Professional Development Needs of Thai EFL University Teachers: A Focus on the Assessment Literacy and Practice of Student Self-assessment in their Classrooms. MANUTSAT PARITAT: Journal of Humanities, 41(2).
Subphadongchone, P. (2018). Entering into the Scientific Community: Problematising Postgraduate Students’ Negotiation with the Demands of Writing for scholarly Publication. PASAA PARITAT Journal, 33, 157-187.
Ying, C. W., & Subphadoongchone, P. (2017). An Investigation into the Pragmatic Competence of English Language Learners Majoring in Tourism Studies within a Computer- Mediated Activity in Macao. A conference proceedings article of the International Conference on Information, Computer, and Education Engineering 2017, Twelve Hong Kong, November 11-12, 2017; 119-129.
Miss Prapaporn Sompakdee (prapasompak@gmail.com) – Northeastern University
- Availability
- Interests
- Computer-Assisted Language Learning/ Technology-Enhanced-Language Learning, Corpus Linguistics, English for Specific Purposes
- Location
- Northeast
- Position
- Lecturer/Researcher
- Publications
Asst. Prof. Dr. Punjaporn Pojanapunya (punjaporn.poj@kmutt.ac.th) – King Mongkut\’s University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT)
- Availability
- Examining theses at Masters level, Reviewing articles, Leading workshops, Consultations on research projects
- Interests
- Corpus Linguistics, English for Specific Purposes, Research Methods in Applied Linguistics
- Location
- Bangkok
- Position
- Lecturer/Researcher
- Publications
• Pojanapunya, P., & Watson Todd, R. (2021). The influence of the benchmark corpus on keyword analysis. Register Studies, 3(1), 88-114.
• Pojanapunya, P. (2019). Tailoring academic words to multidisciplinary EAP classes. TESOL Journal, 10(3), e00439.
• Pojanapunya, P., & Watson Todd, R. (2018). Log-likelihood and odds ratio: Keyness statistics for different purposes of keyword analysis. Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory, 14(1), 133–167.
Associate Professor Dr. Raksangob Wijitsopon (raksangob.w@chula.ac.th) – Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University
- Availability
- Evaluating curricula, Examining theses at Masters level, Examining theses at PhD level, Reviewing articles, Leading workshops
- Interests
- Corpus Linguistics, Discourse Analysis, Stylistics
- Location
- Bangkok, Central Thailand, North, Northeast, South
- Position
- Lecturer/Researcher
- Publications
Wijitsopon, R. (2019). Key multi-word expressions in Thai learner English argumentative essays. Asian EFL Journal Vol. 23 Issue 6.1: 115-141.
Wijitsopon, R. (2018). A corpus stylistic study of singular and plural keywords in Jane Austen’s Persuasion. KEMANUSIAAN: The Asian Journal of Humanities 25(2): 1–22.
Wijitsopon, R. (2017). “Exploring the Text-Lexicogrammar Interface: A Corpus Driven Analysis of the Plural Noun “days.” Corpus Linguistics Research 3, 23–42.
Wijitsopon, R. (2017). Collocations and local textual functions of quantifiers in learner English essays. Linguistic Research 34(1), 1–49