A call for papers for a special issue for the Journal of English for Academic Purposes.
The theme for this special issue: Action Research in EAP/ESP in higher education
Important dates:
Submission of a title and an abstract: 31 Mar 2023
Notification of acceptance of abstract: 1 May 2023
Submission of full papers by authors: 15 Aug 2023
More details: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/journal-of-english-for-academic-purposes/about/call-for-papers#action-research-in-eap-esp-in-higher-education
Call for Grants: UK-Thailand HEI Partnership Research Grant: Pre-Service English Language Teacher Education in Thailand
The British Council has announced its call for UK-Thailand Research Grants which aims for a partnership between a Thai higher education institution (HEI) and a UK HEI to conduct high quality research on Pre-Service English Language Teacher education in Thailand.
For details:
Candidates for TAAL Members-at-Large Positions
The nominating committee is pleased to introduce you to the five candidates for TAAL members-at-large positions. If you have any reservations about any one of these nominees, please inform us at https://forms.gle/KcEg2fL1vAxUv3yP6.
If over 25 % of the members reject any candidate, we will go over the process again. The deadline for this process is Thursday, 10 March, 2022.

Calls for Nominations
TAAL would like to announce an EXTENSION of Calls for Nominations to Jan 31, 2022. Dear members, please nominate a candidate or candidates who will stand for election to the TAAL positions starting in the year 2022. The membership will vote on the following positions.
✅ Members-at-Large (5 posts, 2-year term)
✅ Graduate Student Coordinator (1 post, 2-year term)
📍Please click this link https://forms.gle/KWVLxvyMZ3DgZ8gC7 for your NOMINATIONS.
⚠️ You MUST be a TAAL member to nominate someone BUT nominees can either be TAAL or non-TAAL members.

Plagiarism & Using AI-Generated Text: A Research Integrity Workshop
Speaker: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Richard Watson Todd
Date: March 16, 2023
Time: 9 AM – 12 PM (GMT 7+)
Register by March 10, 2023 https://bit.ly/3Y1C6pa
Special Talk on “Jumping on the bandwagon or blazing new trail: Designing innovative research”
Postgraduate Study in English Language Teaching (ELT) at Mahasarakham University provides an opportunity for discussing and sharing pedagogical practices in English Language Education in Thailand, as well as extending future collaborations. The event is a place for networking, for both established and new ELT practitioners and researchers.
Date: January 15, 2022
Time: 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Register: https://bit.ly/3mX0esY

The 4th Doing Research in Applied Linguistics (DRAL 4)
King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi in Bangkok, in association with the Malaysian Association of Applied Linguistics, the Singapore Association for Applied Linguistics and the Thai Association for Applied Linguistics, would like to invite you to participate in the DRAL 4 2021 International Conference on 4th September 2021.
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, this will be an Online Virtual Conference (ZOOM).
The registration for attendance is free and open now.
For more information
Natjiree Jaturapitakkul (Conference Chair) email: natjiree.jat@kmutt.ac.th
Ms. Saranya Saranchat (Secretary) email: saranya.sar@kmutt.ac.th
More information, please visit here: https://sola.pr.kmutt.ac.th/dral2021/