The Database of Researchers in AL is a collection of profiles of TAAL members who have expertise in applied linguistics research. The profiles present research interests and experience as well as researchers’ availability to participate in research activities and collaboration, such as examining theses, reviewing research articles, and consultations on research projects.
You can view all researchers’ profiles (ranked alphabetically by first names) or search the profiles by name, key publications, research interests, affiliation, availability for collaboration, and geographical areas in which they are available to offer support.
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To search the database, click SEARCH RESEARCHERS below.
Mr. Rashed Mahmud (rashedjueng@gmail.com) – Dhaka International University
- Availability
- Leading workshops, Consultations on research projects
- Interests
- Computer-Assisted Language Learning/ Technology-Enhanced-Language Learning, Critical Applied Linguistics, Education, Global Englishes/ World Englishes/ English as an International Language, Language Policy, Research Methods in Applied Linguistics
- Location
- South
- Position
- Lecturer/Researcher
- Publications
Incorporation of Smartphones in Teaching English at Higher Secondary level
Ms. Ratana Sakeeree (endearenliven@gmail.com) – KMITL
- Availability
- Interests
- Business Communication and Discourse
- Location
- Bangkok
- Position
- Student
- Publications
Miss Rattana Jangpiboonpong (rattana.ja@phuket.psu.ac.th) – Prince of Songkla University, Phuket Campus
- Availability
- Evaluating curricula, Leading workshops, Consultations on research projects
- Interests
- Discourse Analysis, Discourse in English Language Teaching (ELT), English as a Foreign Language
- Location
- South
- Position
- Lecturer/Researcher
- Publications
Miss Rawisuda Bunkrong (rawisudab@gmail.com) – Chaiyaphum Rajabhat University
- Availability
- Reviewing articles
- Interests
- Discourse in English Language Teaching (ELT), English as a Foreign Language, Sociolinguistics
- Location
- Northeast
- Position
- Lecturer/Researcher
- Publications
Mr Renato Dicdican (renatodicdican@gmail.com) – Prince of Songkla University Pattani Campus
- Availability
- Reviewing articles
- Interests
- Corpus Linguistics, Discourse Analysis, English as a Foreign Language, English as a Second Language, English for Academic Purposes, English Medium Instruction, Genre and Discourse Analysis, Global Englishes/ World Englishes/ English as an International Language, Second Language Acquisition, Second Language Learning
- Location
- South
- Position
- Lecturer/Researcher
- Publications
Baker, W. & Fang, F. (2022)Intercultural citizenship and the internationalisation of higher education: the role of English language teaching. Journal of English as a Lingua Franca 11(1), 63-75.
Baker, W. (2021). From intercultural to transcultural communication. Language and Intercultural Communication. 22(1), 1-14.
SAE-thong, J. & Boonsuk, Y. (2022).Chinese Speaking Strategies as a Foreign Language: Success Stories from Thai Higher Education. International Journal of Instruction, 7(2), 157-172
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Richard Watson Todd (irictodd@kmutt.ac.th) – King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi
- Availability
- Evaluating curricula, Examining theses at PhD level, Reviewing articles, Leading workshops, Consultations on research projects
- Interests
- Corpus Linguistics, Research Methods in Applied Linguistics, Text Linguistics
- Location
- Bangkok
- Position
- Lecturer/Researcher
- Publications
• Watson Todd, R. (2016). Discourse Topics. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
• Watson Todd, R. (2017). An opaque engineering word list: Which words should a teacher focus on? English for Specific Purposes, 45, 31-39.
• Watson Todd, R. and Rangsarittikun, R. (2021) The hobby course: Towards a languaging curriculum. ELT Journal 76(3), 387-395.
Mr. Robertus Pujo Leksono (Robertusl@nu.ac.th) – Naresuan University
- Availability
- Consultations on research projects
- Interests
- Second Language Acquisition, Second Language Learning
- Location
- Bangkok
- Position
- Lecturer/Researcher
- Publications
Leksono, R., Kosasih, L.,(2020), Bahasa Indonesia for Foreigners (BIPA) Text Books Challenges to Prepare Students’ Readiness in the Working World. Nuances of Indonesian Language. 1-7.
Leksono, R., Janthem T., (2020), A Comparative Analysis on Idioms the Human Body Parts in Indonesian and Thai Languages. Archieves Language and Linguistic. 1-9.
Leksono, R., Kosasih, L.,(2020), Analisis pengucapan vokal bahasa Indonesia oleh pemelajar bahasa Indonesia penutur bahasa Thai 2017 (Studi Kasus di Universitas Bagian Utara Thailand), 22-27.
Dr. Roxan Remorosa (roxanrubicremorosa18@gmail.com) – North Eastern Mindanao State University
- Availability
- Examining theses at PhD level, Consultations on research projects
- Interests
- Discourse in English Language Teaching (ELT), Global Englishes/ World Englishes/ English as an International Language, Language and Culture
- Location
- Bangkok
- Position
- Lecturer/Researcher
- Publications
Remorosa, R. (2018). President Rodrigo Roa Duterte’s Political Speeches:A Critical Discourse Analysis.IOSR Journal.
Assistant Professor Dr. Rungpat Roengpitya (rungpat@gmail.com) – Faculty of Liberal Arts, Mahidol University
- Availability
- Evaluating curricula, Examining theses at Masters level, Examining theses at PhD level, Reviewing articles, Leading workshops, Consultations on research projects
- Interests
- Child Language, English as a Foreign Language, Language and Culture
- Location
- Bangkok, Central Thailand
- Position
- Lecturer/Researcher
- Publications
Thongseiratch, T., Kraiwong, T., & Roengpitya, R. (2021). The effects of lexical tone
awareness on early word recognition, word reading, and spelling from dictation of Thai children: A longitudinal study. Frontiers in Psychology. (August 31, 2021). https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.719552
Roengpitya, R. (2011). Can reading selections positively influence reading, thinking,
and writing skills?. In R. Jaidev et al. (eds.), Global Perspectives, Local Initiatives. Reflections and Practices in ELT (English Language Teaching). Singapore: National University of Singapore. June. ISBN 978-981-08-9008-7
Roengpitya, R. (2011). An acoustic study of English and Thai fricatives produced by
Thai speakers. In the Proceedings of the XVII International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Hong Kong. August. pp.1698-1701.
- Availability
- Reviewing articles, Leading workshops
- Interests
- Discourse in English Language Teaching (ELT), English as a Foreign Language, English as a Lingua Franca, English as a Second Language, English for Academic Purposes, English for Specific Purposes, Language Policy, Research Methods in Applied Linguistics, Second Language Acquisition, Second Language Assessment, Second Language Learning, Systemic Functional Linguistics, Teacher Education
- Location
- South
- Position
- Lecturer/Researcher
- Publications
- Kashmiri as the Medium of Instruction in the Light of National Education Policy 2020: Planning and Implementation.
- An Analysis of the Actual English Language Classroom at the Primary Level in Kashmir: Problems and Suggestions
- Effect of Covid-19 Lockdown on the Learning and Teaching of Languages: An Analysis
Asst. Prof. Saksit Saengboon (Saksit2505@gmail.com) – NIDA
- Availability
- Evaluating curricula, Examining theses at Masters level, Examining theses at PhD level, Reviewing articles
- Interests
- Location
- Bangkok, Central Thailand
- Position
- Lecturer/Researcher
- Publications
• Saengboon, S. (2012). Exploring Beliefs of Exemplary Thai EFL Teachers toward Teaching Efficacy. Journal of Education and Practice, 3(4), 39-44.
• Saengboon, S. (2010). Post-Method Pedagogy and Thai EFL Teachers: Opportunities and Challenges. Proceedings of LSCAC International Conference, Mahasarakahm: Thailand.
• Saengboon, S. (2006). CLT Revisited. NIDA Journal of Language and Communication, 11(11), 136-148.
Asst. Prof. Saowadee Kongpetch (skongpetch629@gmail.com) – Ubon Ratchathani University
- Availability
- Examining theses at Masters level, Examining theses at PhD level, Reviewing articles
- Interests
- Discourse Analysis
- Location
- Northeast
- Position
- Lecturer/Researcher
- Publications
• Kongpetch, S. (2006). Using a Genre-based Approach to Teach Writing to Thai Students: a Case Study. Prospect, 21 (2), 3-33.
Kongpetch, S. (2006). Improving Students' Discourse Competence Through 'Theme' and 'Rheme' Analysis. Journal of Liberal Arts, Ubon Ratchathani University, 24 (1), 88-
Kongpetch, S. (January-April, 2007). 'Genres', Why we should bother! Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Khon Kaen University, 3 (1), 169-208.
Meesri, C. and Kongpetch, S. (June - December, 2007). The English Transliterations in the Front Page Newspaper. ThaiTESOL Bulletin, 6 (1-2), 49-72.
Kongpetch, S. and Smith, K. (July - December, 2008). The Language of the Printed Advertisement. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. Prince of Songkhla University,
4(2), 149-177.
Hayes-O'Sullivan, L.R., Boonmee, S. and Kongpetch, S. (June-September, 2010). Metacognitive Trends in Writing of UBU English Majors. Journal of Humanities, Faculty of
Humanities, Naresuan University (Special Issue), 99-108.
Wongrak, C. Kongpetch, S. and Boonmee, S. (January - June, 2011). Effectiveness of Narrow Reading on Students' Reading Comprehension and Motivation: A Case Study at
Ubon Ratchathani University. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. Prince of Songkhla University, 7(1), 175-188.
• Rayupsri, K. & Kongpetch, S. (2014). Implementation of the Process-Genre Approach in an English foreign language classroom in Thailand. RJES, 1(2), 32-53.
Asst. Prof. Dr. Saowaluck Tepsuriwong (saowaluck.tep@kmutt.ac.th) – King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi
- Availability
- Evaluating curricula, Examining theses at Masters level, Examining theses at PhD level, Reviewing articles
- Interests
- Autonomy, Education, Second Language Learning
- Location
- Bangkok
- Position
- Lecturer/Researcher
- Publications
Pandee, M., Tepsuriwong, S. & Darasawang, P. 2020. The dynamic state of pre-service teachers’ self-efficacy: A critical incident study in Thailand, Issues in Educational Research, 30(4), 1441 – 1462.
Joshi, A., Darasawang, P. & Tepsuriwong, S. (2019). Exploring the Role of Computers in Knowledge Construction of Young Learners in a Constructionist Classroom, Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 10 (6), 1197-1208. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17507/jltr.1006.07
Jantori, P., Darasawang, P. & Tepsuriwong, S. (2018). Is Scoring Helpful Feedback for Writing Tasks? An Examination of Teachers’ Beliefs, Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 9(6), Novermber, 1250-1259. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17507/jltr.0906.14
Tepsuriwong, S. & Bunsom, T. (2013). Introducing peer assessment to a reading classroom: Expanding Thai university students’ learning boundaries beyond alphabetical symbols. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 4 (14), pp. 279-286.
Asst. Prof. Sarada Jarupan (sarada4199@gmail.com) – Rajamangala University of Technology TawanOk
- Availability
- Examining theses at Masters level, Consultations on research projects
- Interests
- English for Specific Purposes, Intercultural Communication, Language and Culture, Sociolinguistics, Translation
- Location
- Bangkok
- Position
- Lecturer/Researcher
- Publications
Mr. sattawat Chaiyasit (chaiyasitmac.ch@gmail.com) – Burapha University
- Availability
- Examining theses at Masters level
- Interests
- Corpus Linguistics, Language in Media, Research Methods in Applied Linguistics
- Location
- Central Thailand
- Position
- Lecturer/Researcher
- Publications
Miss Sekartiyasa Kusumastuti (ksekartiyasa@gmail.com) – Walailak University
- Availability
- Evaluating curricula, Reviewing articles, Leading workshops
- Interests
- Computer-Assisted Language Learning/ Technology-Enhanced-Language Learning, Language and Culture, Teacher Education
- Location
- South
- Position
- Lecturer/Researcher
- Publications
Assoc. Prof. Singhanat Nomnian (snomnian@hotmail.com) – Mahidol University
- Availability
- Evaluating curricula, Examining theses at Masters level, Examining theses at PhD level, Reviewing articles, Leading workshops, Consultations on research projects
- Interests
- Education, Identity and Ideology in Language Learning and Teaching, Intercultural Communication
- Location
- Bangkok, Central Thailand
- Position
- Lecturer/Researcher
- Publications
Saemee, K., & Nomnian, S . (2021). Cultural representations in ELT textbooks used in a multicultural school. rEFLections, 28(1), 107-120.
Saemee, K., & Nomnian, S. (2021). Diversity of cultural sources in ELT activity books: A case study of a multicultural primary school in Thailand. PASAA, 61(1), 61-86.
Rueangdej, C., Nomnian, S.. (2021). Stakeholders’ insights into migrant students’ experiences in a Thai public school: A linguistic ecological perspective. . Austrian Journal of South-East Asian Studies, 14(2), 243-266.
Jhaiyanuntana, A., Nomnian, S. (2020). Intercultural Communication Challenges and Strategies for the Thai Undergraduate Hotel Interns. PASAA, 59, 204-235.
Suebwongsuwan, W., & Nomnian, S. (2020). Thai hotel undergraduate interns’ awareness and attitudes towards English as a lingua franca. Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 9(3), 704-714.
Dr. Sirinthorn Seepho (sirin@sut.ac.th) – Suranaree University of Technology
- Availability
- Evaluating curricula, Examining theses at Masters level, Reviewing articles
- Interests
- Location
- Northeast
- Position
- Lecturer/Researcher
- Publications
Associate Professor Dr. Sirisira Chokthawikit (sirisira.c@rumail.ru.ac.th) – Faculty of Humanities, Ramkhamhaeng University
- Availability
- Evaluating curricula, Examining theses at Masters level, Examining theses at PhD level, Reviewing articles, Leading workshops, Consultations on research projects
- Interests
- Discourse Analysis, Literary Studies, Pragmatics
- Location
- Bangkok, Central Thailand, North, Northeast, South
- Position
- Lecturer/Researcher
- Publications
- Chokthawikit, S. (2022). Critical metaphors of Covid-19 in Thai news headlines. Proceedings of 17th International Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences 2022 (IC-HUSO 2022), pp. 162-181. 7 November 2022 at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, Thailand. (In English)
- Chokthawikit, S. (2022). The Lexemicalization of Thai Technology Vocabulary: An Adaptation of Linguistic Perspective. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Phayao University, 10(1): 115-142. (In Thai)
- Chokthawikit, S. (2021). The discursiveness and the critique of social wrongs related to Thai ways in 2013 and 2016 “S.E.A. Write Award” poetry. Journal of Language and Culture, Mahidol University, 40(2): 1-32. (In Thai)
Sirisira Chokthawikit, & Anchalee Jansem. (2021). Democratic Discourses of Thai S.E.A. Write Award Poems in Critical Literary Linguistics. Journal of Mekong Societies, 17(2), 74-98. (In English).
Sirisira Chokthawikit. (2021). Conceptual Metaphor of [FEAR] in Literary Work: A Case Study of the Short Story Entitled ‘/sa.ŋòp ŋōŋ nāj dōŋ ŋūu/’ (Confused Calmness in Snakes’ Wilderness). Journal of Manutsayasat Wichakan Kasetsart University, 28(1), 116-153. (In Thai).
Sirisira Chokthawikit. (2020). The Thai Language as Lingua Franca for Trading: The Intercultural Context of Cambodian and Myanmar Neighbor Laborers in Thailand. Language and Culture, 39(2), 84-100. (In English).
Sirisira Chokthawikit. (2020). A Linguistic Understanding of the Thai Poetic Travelogue ‘Niraat London’: A Reflection of Language Use and Change. Journal of Arts Silpakorn University, 42(2), 64-87. (In Thai).
Sirisira Chokthawikit. (2019). Presuppositions in the Short Story ‘sa.ngop ngong naj dong nguu’ (Calmness in the Snakes’ Wilderness). Language and Culture, 38(1), 154-172. (In Thai).
Sirisira Chokthawikit. (2018). A Literary Linguistic Perspective on Free Verse: A Case Study of ‘No Women in Poetry’. The Electronic Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences (ICHUSO-2018), at Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, Thailand, on 22-23 November 2018. (In English).
Sirisira Chokthawikit. (2017). An Analysis of Sound and Meaning in Literature: A Case Study of ‘Niraat London’. Language and Linguistics, 35(2), 45-78. (In Thai).
Sirisira Chokthawikit. (2017). An Analysis of Sounds Related to Meanings in Texts: A Case Study of S.E.A. Write Award Poetry Titled ‘Nakhon Khon Nok’. Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Korean Studies and Thai Studies, at Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand, on 20-21 July 2017. (In Thai).
Sirisira Chokthawikit. (2016). A Phenomenon of Using Vulgar Words of Thai Adolescents: A Perspective of Sociolinguistics. The Electronic Proceedings of International Conference on Humanities ‘The Humanities: The Truth and the Power of Dream’, at Faculty of Humanities, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand, on 14-15 November 2016. (In Thai).
Sirisira Chokthawikit. (2016). Violence in the Literature Excerpted in ‘Phra Aphai Mani Escaped from the Giantess Wife’: An Integrated. The Electronic Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences ‘Unity and Diversity in Humanities and Social Sciences’, at Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Burapha University, Chonburi, Thailand, on 10 June 2016. (In Thai).
Mr Sommai Rodpan (maaipooh@hotmail.com) – University of Phayao
- Availability
- Evaluating curricula
- Interests
- Business Communication and Discourse, Corpus Linguistics
- Location
- North
- Position
- Lecturer/Researcher
- Publications
Dr. Sompatu Vungthong (sompatu.vun@kmutt.ac.th) – KMUTT
- Availability
- Examining theses at Masters level, Examining theses at PhD level, Reviewing articles
- Interests
- Discourse Analysis, English as a Foreign Language, Systemic Functional Linguistics
- Location
- Bangkok
- Position
- Lecturer/Researcher
- Publications
Mr. Sonthaya Rattanasak (sonthaya.edu@gmail.com) – Chulalongkorn University
- Availability
- Reviewing articles, Consultations on research projects
- Interests
- Computer-Assisted Language Learning/ Technology-Enhanced-Language Learning, Psycholinguistics, Second Language Acquisition
- Location
- Bangkok, Central Thailand
- Position
- Student
- Publications
Rattanasak, S., Pongpairoj, N. & Christianson, K. (2022). Effects of working memory capacity and distance-based complexity on agreement processing: a crosslinguistic competition account. Applied Linguistics Review, 1-26. https://doi.org/10.1515/applirev-2022-0035
Rattanasak, S., Thammalaksamee, R., Chomchuen, F., Srichat, S., Masoot, W., Wiengsima, K., & Yannajan, K. (2019). Read the world (2nd ed.). Triple Group.
Rattanasak, S. & Phoocharoensil, S. (2014). Avoidance in processing English non- restrictive relative clauses in Thai EFL learners’ interlanguage. Asian Social Science, 10(17), 265-277. http://dx.doi.org/10.5539/ass.v10n17p265
Assoc. Prof. Sonthida Keyuravong (sonthidak@yahoo.com) – King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi
- Availability
- Evaluating curricula, Examining theses at Masters level, Examining theses at PhD level, Reviewing articles, Leading workshops, Consultations on research projects
- Interests
- Location
- Bangkok, Central Thailand
- Position
- Lecturer/Researcher
- Publications
• Keyuravong, S. (2010). Insights from Thailand, Learning Through English: Policies, Challenges and prospects, Insights from East Asia, Malaysia: British Council East Asia, 60-95.
• Watson Todd, T., Keyuravong, S. & Suthidara, K. (2008). High Hopes for Self-Access Learning at High School. In Hayes, D. and Sharkey, J. (eds.) Revitalizing a Curriculum for School – Age Learners. Alexandria, VA: TESOL.
• Darasawang, P., Keyuravong, S. & Singhasiri, W. 2007. Developing Student Support in Self-access Centers. In A. Barfield & S. Brown, S. (Eds.), Reconstructing Autonomy in Language Education: Inquiry and Innovation. Palgrave Macmillan: New York.
Miss Sopida Khaonoona (sopida.kh@skru.ac.th) – Songkhla Rajabhat University
- Availability
- Reviewing articles
- Interests
- Education, English for Specific Purposes, Intercultural Communication
- Location
- South
- Position
- Lecturer/Researcher
- Publications
Intapan, M., Khaonuna, S., Parnrod, U., Runnapak, C. (2017). Learning Strategies by EFL Students with Different Learning Styles: Implication for Learning and Teaching. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Education and Innovation (ICLEI), 2017, 28-29 August 2017 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. 6 pages, 4-9.
Intapan, M., Khaonuna, S., Parnrod, U., Runnapak, C. (2018). Relationships between Students’ Learning Style and Their Academic Achievement for English Courses. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Language Innovation, Culture and Education (ICLICE), 2018, 24-25 February 2018 Bangkok Thailand. 7 pages, 5-11.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sorabud Rungrojsuwan (sorabud@gmail.com) – School of Liberal Arts, Mae Fah Luang University
- Availability
- Examining theses at Masters level, Examining theses at PhD level, Reviewing articles, Consultations on research projects
- Interests
- Child Language, Psycholinguistics, Sociolinguistics
- Location
- North
- Position
- Lecturer/Researcher
- Publications
• Rungrojsuwan, S. (2015). Encoding Accuracy in Thai Court Judgments. MANUSYA: Journal of Humanities, 21, 60-69.
• Rungrojsuwan, S. (2015). Morphological Processing Difficulty of Thai Learners of English with Different Levels of English Proficiency. MANUSYA: Journal of Humanities, 18(1), 73-92.
• Rungrojsuwan, S. (2013). The Relationship between Reading Behaviors and Reading Proficiency of Thai Students: An observation in L1 and L2. Humanities Journal, 20(1), 181-201.